Different species of Aphids Aphids in generalAphids on Hosta. Need for more space ?
Foto: Magnus Gammelgaard Aphids on Hosta, close up !.
Foto: Magnus Gammelgaard Curling leaves at shoots are often the
first symptoms of the Black Cherry aphid (Myzus carasi).
Sweet Cherry is often much more affected than sour Cherry. Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Adult Black Cherry aphid with their
babyes. Here feeding on "Stevnsbær".
Foto: Magnus Gammelgaard Black Cherry aphid close-up, showing the
shiny, black Aphids.
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Stor rosenbladlus (Macrosiphum rosae) er
almindelig kendt af de fleste.
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosae ). On the
underside of the leaves, they are protected aginst rainfall.
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Mealy Plum aphid (Hyalopterus pruni )on
the species 'Opal'.
Plum aphids are very common late in the summerseason. Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Mealy Plum aphid close-up. (Hyalopterus
pruni ).
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Curling leaves on the newly developed
shoot, are the first symptoms of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis
plantaginea ).
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Rosy apple aphid close-up(Dysaphis
plantaginea ).
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Early attack from this aphid are often damaging the small apples, in contrast to the green apple aphid which are nearly harmless. Foto: Magnus Gammelgaard Curling top shoot on black indicates an
aphid attack. (Aphis schneideri).
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Aphids on the underside of a black currant
leave. (Aphis schneideri).
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Curling top shoots of goosberry caused by
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard Her you can see aphids on lettuce. They
are inside the lettuce head. (Nasonovia ribis-nigri)..
Photo: Magnus Gammelgaard
Opdateret d. 15.1.2012