Protozoer |
Metazoer |
Class Nematoda |
(Nematodes) |
Order Thylenchida |
fam.Hoplolaimidae |
Genus Pratylenchus |
nematoder.htm |
P. penetrans |
P. neglectus |
P. crenatus |
P. thornei |
Genus Radopholus |
R. similis |
fam.Aphelenchoididae |
Leaf nematode
(Bladnematoder) |
nematoder.htm |
A. ritzemabosi |
(Chrysanthemum foliar nematode) |
A. fragariae |
(Strawberry Foliar Nematode) |
A. blastophthorus |
A. subtenuis |
fam. Tylenchidae |
Genus Dithylenchus |
nematoder.htm |
Ditylenchus dipsaci |
Stem and
bulb eelworm |
D. convallariae |
D. destructor |
fam. Heteroderidae |
Genus Heterodera/globodera |
(cyst nematodes) |
Heterodea carotae |
cyst nematode |
H. avenae |
(Nematode, cereal cyst) |
H. schachtii |
(Beet nematode) |
H. fici |
(ficus nematode) |
H. cacti |
( Nematode, cactus cyst) |
Globorea rostochiensis |
(Potato nematode) |
fam. Heteroderidae |
Slægt Meloidogyne |
((Root not Nematodes)
nematoder.htm |
Meloidogyne hapla |
( Nematode, root-knot) |
Order Dorylaimida |
fam. Dorylaimidae |
Genus Longidorus |
(Spread of virus) |
Genus Xiphinema |
(Spread of virus) |
fam. Trichodoridae |
Genus Trichodorus |
Paratrichodorus |
(Spread of virus) |
Class Annelida |
Annelids |
Order Chaetopoda |
fam. Enchytraeidae |
fam. Lumbricidae |
(Nightcrawlers) |
terrestris |
( Nightcrawler ) |
over.fam. Aphioidea |
(Aphids) |
fam. Lachnidae |
Cinara piceae |
sp. stammelus |
(Cinara Conifer Aphids) |
Lachnus roboris |
Lachnus exiccator |
fam. Chaetophoridae |
Genus Periphyllus |
(Acer) |
P. acericola |
P. testudinaceus |
Genus Chaitophorus |
() |
C. caprea |
(Willow) |
C. populeti |
(Poppal) |
fam. Callaphididae |
(=Drepanosiphidae) |
Drepanosiphum plataniodes |
(Sycamore maple aphid) |
Euceraphis punctipennis |
(Birch, aphid, European) |
Betulaphis quadrituberculata |
(Birch) |
Betulaphis brevipilosa |
(Birch) |
Callaphis betulicola |
(Birch) |
Callipterinella callipterus |
(Birch) |
Eucallipterus tilliae |
(Linden aphid) |
Myzocallis coryli |
(Hazel aphid) |
Tuberculoides annulatus |
(Oak) |
fagi |
(Beech-leaf, woolly, aphid) |
fam. Aphididae |
(Real Aphids) |
Aphids |
Aphis fabae |
(Bean aphid, black |
Aphis corniella |
(Cornus) |
gossypii |
(Melon and cotton aphid) |
Aphis grossulariae |
Gooseberry aphid |
pomi |
(Green apple Aphid) |
schneideri |
(Black currant aphid) |
sambuci |
(Elder Aphids) |
Cavariella aegopodii |
(Parsnip and willow aphid) |
Cryptomyzus galeopsidis |
(Currant, blister aphid, black) |
brassicae |
(Cabbage Aphid) |
helichrysi |
(Leaf curling Plum aphis) |
pruni |
(Plum aphid, mealy) |
insertum |
(Apple-grass aphid) |
Rhopalosiphum padi |
(Apple-oat aphid) |
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae |
(Waterlily, aphid) |
Dysaphis sorbi |
(Rosy, aphid) |
plantaginea |
(Apple aphid, rosy) |
rosae |
(Rose aphid) |
Metapolophium dirhodum |
Liasomaphis berberidis |
Corylobium avellanae |
(Corylus) |
Delphiniobium junackianum |
(Monkshood, aphid) |
Myzus ligustri |
(Privet, aphid) |
Myzus certus |
ribis-nigri |
(Lettuce Aphid) |
Aphis viburni |
Metopeurum fuscoviridi |
(Tanacetum vulgare) |
abietinum |
Green spruce aphid |
Aulacorthum solani |
( Potato aphid, green) |
Macrosiphum euphorbiae |
( Potato aphid) |
persicae |
(Peach aphid, green) |
Myzus cerasi |
(Cherry aphid, black) |
Myzus ascalonicus |
(Shallot aphid) |
Dysaphis tulipae |
(Tulip, aphid) |
fam. Thelaxidae |
Genus Mindarus |
() |
M. abietinus |
(Balsam twig, aphid) |
M. obliguus |
(Picea) |
Anoesia corni |
(Cornus) |
fam. Pemphigidae |
(Aphids on roots) |
foeniculus og D.apiifolia |
(Parsley, aphid) |
Schizoneura ulmi |
(Currant root aphid) |
Tetraneura ulmi |
(Elm leaf aphid) |
lanigerum |
( Woolly apple aphid ) |
Anoesia corni |
Prociphilus bumeliae |
Prociphilus fraxini |
(Ash leaf, aphid) |
Prociphilus xylostei |
(Lonicera) |
Prociphilus pini |
(Fir) |
Pemphigus spirothega |
(Popal) |
bursarius |
(Lettuce root aphid) |
phenax |
(Carrot root aphid) |
fam. Adelgidae |
Pineus pini |
(Scots pine, adelges) |
Pineus pineoides |
Pineus strobi |
Dreyfusia picea |
(Silver fir adelges) |
nordmanniana |
(Silver fir, woolly aphid) |
Dreyfusia merkeri |
(P.orientalis) |
Adelges laricis |
Larch wooly adelgid |
Adelges tardus) |
fam. Phylloxeridae |
(Dværglus) |
Phylloxera coccinea) |
Phylloxera glabra) |
over.fam. Coccoidea |
(Scales) |
fam. Pseudococcidae |
(Mealybugs) |
Uldlus.htm |
(Planococcus citri) |
( Citrus, mealybug) |
Pseudococcus longispinus) |
(Mealybug, long-tailedLangfrynset uldlus) |
Rhizoesus caticans) |
(Cactus) |
fam. Eriococcidae |
(Mealybugs) |
Cryptococcus fagisuga) |
( Felted beech, coccus) |
fam. Coccidae |
(Scales) |
skjoldlus.htm |
corni |
Brown scale, Peach scale |
Parthenolacanium pomeranicum |
Pulvinaria vitis |
( Currant, scale, woolly) |

Camelia Scale

Pulvinaria hydrangea
Hydrangea Scale
Physokermes piceae |
(Spruce bud scale) |
Saissetia coffeae |
(Coffee scale, brown) |
Saissetia oleae |
(Olive, scale, brown) |
Coccus hesperidum |
( Soft scale, brown) |
fam. Diaspididae |
(Real coccids) |
ficus |
(Black Scale or Florida Red Scale) |
ulmi |
(Mussel, scale) |
Chionaspis salicis |
(Black-willow, scale) |
rosae |
(Rose scale) |
Aspidiotus nerii |
(Oleander, scale) |
Diaspis echinocacti |
(Cactus, scale) |
aspidistrae |
(Fern, scale) |
Pinnaspis aspidistrae |
(Fern, scale) |
Ischnaspis longirostris |
(Thread scale, black) |
Quadraspidiotus perniciosus |
(Scale, San Jose) |
sub-Order Heteroptera |
sub-Order Heteroptera |
True bugs |
True bugs |
fam. Miridae |
(Capsid bugs) |
mali |
Apple Brown bug |
verbasci |
"Campylomma Bug" |

Lygocoris pabulinus |
(Green capsid, common) |
Plesiocoris rugicollis |
( Apple, capsid) |
Calocoris norvegicus |
(Potato capsid) |
rugulipennis |
European tarnished plant bug |
fam. Tingidae |
rhododendri |
Rhododendron, lace bug |
Stephanitis oberti |
fam. Pentatomidae |

Eurydema oleracea
Cabbage bug
Dolocoris baccarum |
Polomena prasina |
Eridema oleracea |
fam. Lygaeidae |
(Seed bugs) |
resedae |
Birch catkin bug |
fam. Anthocoridae |
nemorum |
Pirate bugs |
Eridema oleracea |
Order Thysanoptera |
(Thrips) |
trips.htm |
Taeniothrips laricivorus |
( Larch thrips) |
Thrips angusticeps |
(Cabbage thrips) |
Parthenothrips dracaenae |
(Dracaena, thrips) |
Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis |
( Thrips, black glasshouse) |
Hercinothrips femoralis |
( Glasshouse thrips, banded) |
Scirtothrips longipennis |
(Begonia thrips) |
Thrips tabaci |
(Cotton thrips, common) |
Taeniothrips simplex |
(Gladiolus thrips) |
Liothrips vaneeckei |
(Lily, thrips) |
Frankliniella occidentalis |
(Flower thrips, western) |
ornatus |
(Thrips on Privet)
Ærtetrips.htm |
(Pea Thrips)
Order Neuroptera |
fam. Chrysophidae |
(Lazywings) |
Order Lepidoptera |
(Butterflies) |
over.fam. Hepialoidea |
fam. Hepialidae |
Hepialus lupulinus |
(Swift, moth, common) |
over.fam. Nepticuloidea |
fam. Gracillariidae |
ohridella |
Horse chestnut leaf miner |
fam. Nepticulidae |
Stigmella (nepticula) |
Stigmella sorbi |
(Sorbus) |
Trifurcula |
Trifurcula angulifasciella |
(Roses) |
fam. Tischeriidae |
(Leafminers) |
Tischeria ekebladella |
(Trumpet, leafminer) |
over.fam. Incurvariodea |
Incurvaria pectinea |
I. muscalella |
Lampronia koerneriella |
(Fagus) |
capitella |
(Currant Shoot Borer) |
fam. Lyonetiidae |
Leucoptera laburnella |
(Laburnum, leafminer) |
L. scitella |
(Pear leaf blister moth) |
Lyonetia clerkella |
(Apple, leaf minerClerks minermøl) |
fam. Hieroxestidae |
Opogona sacchari |
(Banana moth) |
fam. Gracilariidae |
Caloptilla syrengella |
Caloptilla azaleella |
Caloptilla alchimiella |
(Fagus) |
Phyllonorycter maestingella |
(Fagus) |
Parornix fagivora |
(Fagus) |
Caloptilla syrengella |
underfam. Lithocolletinae |
(Minerende møl) |
leucographella |
(Firethorn Leafminer) |
fam. Phyllonistidae |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella |
(Populus) |
over.fam. Cossoidea |
fam. Cossoidae |
Cossus cossus |
(Carpenter moth) |
Cossus Zeuzera pyrina |
over.fam. Tineodiea |
over.fam. Yponomeutoidea |
fam. sesiidae |
Clearwings |
Sesia apiformis |
(Poplar, hornet clearwing) |
fam. Yponomeutidae |
assectella |
(Leek moth) |
xylostella |
(Diamondback Moth) |
Blastotera laevigatella |
conjugella |
(Apple fruit moth) |
Argyresthia pruniella |
(Cherry, fruit moth) |
Argyresthia fundella |
Argyresthia goedartella |
(Alnus, Betula) |
Genus Yponomeuta |
(Spindle moth) |
Y. evonymella |
(Hægspindemøl) |
cagnagellus |
(Spindle ermine moth) |
malinellus |
(Apple small ermine moth) |
padella |
(Orchard Ermine) |
Scythrobia crataegella |
over.fam. Gelechioidea |
fam. Coleophoridae |
Case moth |
Coleophora laricella |
(Larch-mining, case moth) |
Coleophora paripenella |
Coleophora serratella |
(Cigar, casebearer) |
Coleophora pottentilae |
Coleophora gryphipenella |
(Roses) |
Coleophora hemerobiella |
(Fruit tree, case moth, grey) |
Coleophora viminetella |
(Salix/Pors) |
Coleophora flavipinella |
(Oak) |
Coleophora lutipenella |
(Oak) |
fam. Gelechiidae |
Dichomeris marginella |
(Juniper, webber moth) |
over.fam. Tortricoidea |
fam. Tortricidae |
Tortrix |
comariana |
(Strawberry Tortrix) |
orana |
(Summer fruit tortrix moth) |
Archips podana |
(Fruit tree, tortrix moth) |
Lazotaenia forsterana |
Spilonota ocellana |
( Apple bud, moth) |
Croesia holmiana |
Hedya nubiferana |
( Fruit tree, tortrix moth) |
Olethreutes lacunana |
(Willow, Betula) |
Pammene rhediella |
(Mining, tortrix, fruitlet) |
Ptycholoma lecheana |
Rhopobota unipunctana |
Tortrix viridana |
(Oak tortrix moth, green) |
Enarmonia formosana |
(Cherry bark tortrix moth) |
Archips rosana |
(Rose twist, moth) |
Archips xylosteana |
(Twist moth, forked red barred) |
Pandemis heparana |
( Fruit tree. tortrix moth) |
lepsis spectrana |
(Herbs) |
Croesia forskaleana |
(Marple) |
Gypsonoma aceriana |
(Maple trumpet, skeletonizer) |
Gypsonoma sociana |
(Populus) |
Hedya nubiferara |
(Green budworm) |
Gypsonoma oppressana |
Croesia bergmanniana |
cynosbatella |
(Red rose maggot) |
Epiblema roborana |
Blastesthia turionella |
(Pine bud, tortricid) |
Cydia coniferana |
(Pinus) |
Cydia cosmophorana |
(Pinus) |
Rhyacionia buoliana |
Pine shoot moth, European |
Rhyacionia duplana |
(Tip, moth, raddish winged) |
Rhyacionia pinicolana |
(Pinus) |
Petrova resinella |
Zeiraphera diniana |
(Larch, tortricid, gray) |
Epinotia nanana |
(Spruce, leafminer, green) |
Epinotia tedella |
Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana |
(Spruce, bud moth) |
funebrana |
Plum fruit moth |
cydia nigricana |
Pea Moth |
Cydia pactolana |
Cydia pomonella |
(Æblevikler) |
Epinotia nigricana |
( Cone, moth) |
Epinotia fraternana |
Zeiraphera rufimitrana |
Epichoristodes acerbella |
( South African carnation worm) |
over.fam. Alucitoidea |
over.fam. Pyraloidea |
fam. Pyradilae |
perspectalis |
(Box-tree pyralid) |
grossulariella |
(Goosberry fruitworm) |
nubilalis |
(European corn borer) |
over.fam. Papilionoidea |
(The big butterflies) |
fam. Pieridae |
brassicae |
(White butterfly, large) |
rapae |
( White butterfly, small) |
over.fam. Bombycoidea |
fam. Lymantriidae |
Tussock moth |
(Lille penselspinder) |
Lymantria monacha |
(Nun moth) |
Dasychira pudibunda |
(Pale, moth, tussock) |
Leucoma salicis |
(Satin, moth, white) |
Euproctis chrysorrhoea |
( Brown-tail moth) |
fam. Lasiocampidae |
Malacosoma neustria |
( Lackey, moth, European) |
Dendrolimus pini |
( Pine lappet moth) |
over.fam. Geometroidea |
fam. Geometridae |
brumata |
(Winter moth, March moth) |
fagata |
(Northern winter moth) |
defoliaria |
(Mottled Umber) |
Epirrita autumnata |
Alsophila aescularia |
(March, moth) |
Abraxas grossulariata |
(Gooseberry moth) |
Biston betularia |
(Pepper and salt, moth) |
Nyssia zonaria |
Bupalus piniaria |
( Pine looper moth) |
over.fam. Sphingodea |
fam. Sphigidae |
Laothoe populi |
(Poplar, hawk) |
Smerinthus occellata |
( Hawk moth, eyed) |
ligustri |
(Privet Hawk. moth) |
Mimas tiliae |
Bupalus piniaria |
(Pine looper moth) |
over.fam. Notodontoidea |
fam. Noctuidae |
Agrotis segetum |
Turnip Moth |
Agrotis exclamationis |
( Heart and dart, moth) |
Naenia typica |
( Gothic, moth) |
Phlogophora meticulosa |
gamma |
Silver Y |
Spodoptera littoralis |
(Cotton leafworm) |
Acronicta aceris |
(Sycomore moth) |
Acronicta psi |
(Dagger moth, grey |
Acronicta alni |
oleracea |
(Tomato moth, Bright-line brown-eyes moth) |
Orthosia gothica |
(Hebrew character moth) |
Orthosia stabilis |
Orthosia incerta |
( Moth, clouded drab) |
Diloba caeruleocephala |
(Figure of eight, moth) |
Order Diptera |
(Two winged) |
sub-Order Nematocera |
(Mosquitoes) |
fam. Tipulidae |
(Crane flies) |
Tilupa ssp. |
(Crane flies) |
Tipula paludosa |
( Crane fly, common) |
fam. Bibionidae |
(Marchflies) |
Bibio hortulanus |
(Marchfly) |
Dilophus febrilis |
(Fly, fever) |
fam. Sciaridae |
(Sciarid flies) |
Sørgemyg.htm |
Bradysia paupera |
(Sciarid fly) |
Lycorella solani |
fam. Cecidomyiidae |
(Gall midges) |
Agapanthusgalmyg |
(Agapanthusgalmyg) |
Helicomyiae saliciperda |
Rhabdophaga rosaria |
Rhabdophaga terminalis |
(Gall midge, bat willow) |
Rhabdophaga heterobia |
(Midge, willow button top) |
Rhabdophaga marginemtorquens |
Mikiola fagi |
(Galls of Mikiola fagi) |
Tilia Gall Midge |
(Lindegalmyggen) |
Alnus Gall Midge |
(Ellegalmyg) |
Dasineura thomasiana |
(Tillia) |
Dasineura tiliamvolvens |
(Tillia) |
Dasineura acrophila |
(Fraxinus) |
Dasineura fraxini |
(Fraxinus) |
Dasineura crataegi |
(Midge, hawthorn button top) |
mali |
(Leaf midge, apple) |
tetensi |
(Black currant leaf midge) |
Wachtliella rosarum |
(Midge, rose leaf) |
Thomasiniana oculiperda |
(Red bud, borer) |
buxi |
(Buxwood Gall midge) |
Thecodiplosis brachyptera |
(Gall midge, pine) |
Oligotrophus juniperinus |
(Enebærgalmyggen) |
Diarthronomyia chrysanthemi |
(Krysantemumgalmyggen) |
Dasineura affinis |
(Midge, violet leaf) |
Dasineura violae |
Dasineura alpestris |
( Midge, Arabis) |
pyrivora |
(Midge, pear) |
Contarinia quinquenotata |
Aphidoletes aphidimyza |
(Used in biological control systems) |
aphidomyza |
Predaceous midge |
Bladlus.htm |
Sub-orden Brachycera |
() |
gulerodsfluen.htm |
Carrot fly |
sub-Order Cylorrhapha |
(Higher flies) |
fam. Syrphidae |
(Hoverflies) |
bladluseng.htm |
Episyrphus balteatus |
(Aphid predator) |
Metasyrphys corollae |
(Aphid predator) |
Metasyrphys luniger |
(Aphid predator) |
Platycheirus peltatus |
(Aphid predator) |
Syrphus ribesii |
(Aphid predator) |
Syrphus torvus |
(Aphid predator) |
Merodon equestris |
(Fly, narcissus bulb) |
Eumerus tuberculatus |
(Fly, lesser bulb) |
Eumerus strigatus |
( Fly, onion bulb) |
fam. Anthomyidae |
(Dung Flies) |
Pegomyia hyoscyami |
Delia antiqua |
(Onion Fly) |
Delia radicum |
(Cabbage root fly) |
Delia floralis |
(turnip root fly) |
D. Platura |
(Onion maggot) |
D. florilega |
( Turnip maggot) |
D. brunnescens |
( Fly, carnation) |
Pegohylemyia retusa |
fam. Agromyzidae |
(leaf miner flies) |
Paraphytomyza tridentata |
(Salix) |
Paraphytomyza populi |
(Populus) |
Paraphytomyza populicola |
(Populus) |
Paraphytomyza tremulae |
(Populus trem.) |
Paraphytomyza heringi |
(Fraxinus) |
Agromyza alnivore |
(Alnus) |
Agromyza johannae |
(Cyticus) |
Agromyza demeijerei |
(Laburnum) |
Agromyza pottentillae |
(Roses) |
Phytomyza agromyzina |
(Cornus) |
gymnostoma |
(Allium Leafminer) |
ilicis |
(Holly Leafminer) |
Phytomyza syngenesiae |
(Leafminer, chrysanthemum) |
Phytomyza horticola |
(Polyfag) |
Liriomyza trifolii |
leafminer |
Liriomyza trifolii |
( American serpentine leaf miner) |
fam. Agromyzidae |
(Leaf miners) |
fam. Tephritidae |
(Fruit flies) |
Philophylla heraclei |
Celery fly |
Trypeta artemisiae |
Rhagoletis cerasi |
(Fruit fly, cherry) |
Rhagoletis alternata |
Rose Hip Fly |
Drosophila suzukii |
drosophila |
orden Hymenoptera |
Membrane-winged |
sub-Order Symphyta |
(Sawflies) |
fam. Pamphiliidae |
(Sawflies) |
Pamphilius sylvaticus |
(Crataegus, prunus, sorbus) |
Acantholyda erythrocephala |
(Pine tree web-spinning, sawfly) |
Cephalcia abietis |
(Stor granspindehveps) |
C. arvensis |
fam. Siricidae |
(Woodwasps) |
Urocerus gigas |
( Wood wasp, giant) |
Sirex juvencus |
( Horntail, blue) |
Sirex noctilio |
(Wood wasp, steel-blue) |
over.fam. Tenthredinodea |
(Leaf wasps) |
fam. Diprionidae |
(Pine sawflies) |
Neodipron sertifer |
Diprion pini |
(Pine sawfly) |
Gilpinia gallipa |
fam. Argidae |
Arge pagana |
( Rose, arge) |
Arge ochropus |
(Rose, sawfly, large) |
Arge pullata |
fam. Tenthredinidae |
(The real leaf wasps) |
Croesus latitarcus |
Birch Sawfly |
Caliroa annulipes |
Tilia Slug
Sawfly |
Caliroa cerasi |
Sawfly (Pear Slug) |
Heterarthrus aceris |
(Acer) |
Heterarthrus ochropoda |
(Populus) |
Heterarthrus nemoratus |
(Betula) |
Heterarthrus vagans |
(Alnus) |
Heterarthrus microcephalus |
(Salix) |
Scolioneura betuleti |
(Betula) |
Fenusa ulmi |
( Elm, leafminer) |
Pseudodineura enslini |
Ametastegia glabrata |
Syrehveps |
Ardis brunniventris |
Rose stern
sawfly |
Hoplocampa testudinea |
Apple, fruit
sawfly |
Hoplocampa minuta |
Plum, fruit
sawfly |
Euura mucronata |
(Willow bud, sawfly) |
Pontania proxima |
redgall sawfly |
P.triandrae |
(Willow) |
P. vesicator |
(Galle-pil) |
P. veminalis |
(Willow pea-gall, sawfly |
Pontania pedunculi |
Hairy Pea Gall |
Blennocampa phyllocolpa (B.pusilla) |
leafrolling, sawfly |
Nematus salicis |
(Willow, sawfly) |
Nematus pavidus |
( Willow, sawfly, lesser) |
Allantus cinctus |
( Rose sawfly, curled) |
Nematus olfaciens |
Sawfly |
Nematus ribesii |
Sawfly |
Endelomyia aethiops |
slug, rose sawfly |
Pristiphora abietina |
(Gregarious spruce sawfly) |
Pristiphora erichsonii |
(Larch, sawfly, large) |
Pristiphora laricis |
(Larch, sawfly, small) |
Pristiphora wesmaeli |
(Larch) |
Phymatocera aterrima |
(Solomon's seal sawfly) |
P. pendunculi |
(Willow-gall) |
sub-Order Apocrita |
(Stalk wasps) |
fam. Ichneumonidae |
(Ichneumon Wasps) |
fam. Braconidae |
(Braconid Wasps) |
Apanteles glomeratus |
(Parasitoid wasp in cabbage in White butterfly larvae) |
fam. Aphidiidae |
(Aphid Parasitoid) |
Aphidius sp |
Parasitic wasps
Aphids |
fam. Trichogrammatidae |
(Parasitoid on butterfly eegs) |
fam. Aphelinidae |
(Parasitoid wasps) |
Aphelinus mali |
(Apple woolly aphid parasite) |
Encarsia formosa |
(Whitefly parasite, glasshouse) |
mellus.htm |
fam. Chalcidoidae |
(Chalcid Wasps) |
over.fam. Cynipoidea |
(Gall wasps) |
Diplolepis rosae |
bedeguar gall |
Andricus kollari |
Marble gall
of oak |
Andricus lignicola |
Cola nut galls |
Cynips divisa |
Pea galls,
Red Currant Gall |
Andricus fecundator |
Artichoke Gall |
fam. Formicidae |
Ants.htm |
Formica spp. |
Lasius niger |
Ant, common black |
Lasius flavus |
Turf, ant, yellow |
fam. Vespidae |
Wasps (link)
fam. Apidae |
(Bees) |
Apis mellifera |
(Honey bee) |
fam. Megachilidae |
(Leafcutter Bees) |
Megachile centuncularis |
(Rose, leafcutting bee) |
Osmia spp. |
fam. Andrenidae |
(Bees which burrow in the ground) |
fam. Bombinae |
(bumble bees) |
Bombus terristris |
(Jordhumlen) |
Order Coleoptera |
(Beetles) |
fam. Carabidae |
(Ground beetles) |
Pterostichus melanarius |
(Ground beetle, strawberry) |
Pterostichus vercicolor |
Harpalus rufibes |
(Beetle, strawberry seed) |
Clivina fosser |
Bembidion lampros |
fam. Staphylinidae |
(Rove beetles) |
Tachypores sp. |
fam. Byturidae |
(Rasberry Beetles) |
Byturus tomentosus |
Beetles |
fam. Elateridae |
(Click Beetles) |
Agriotes spp. |
Click Beetles |
fam. Coccinellidae |
(Lady birds) |
Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata. |
(Bug, legume lady) |
Coccinella septempunctata |
Billed8.htm (Seven
spotted Ladybird) |
Coccinella septempunctata |
( Ladybird, seven-spot) |
Coccinella quinquepunctata |
(Ladybird, five-spot) |
Coccinella undecimpunctata |
(Ladybird, elevenspotted) |
Adalia bipunctata |
(Ladybird, two-spot) |
Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata |
Calvia quatuordecimguttata |
Anatis ocellata |
( Lady beetle, eye-spotted) |
fam. Scarabaeidae |
(Torbister) |
Melolontha melolontha |
common European) |
Melolontha hippocastani |
(Cockchafer) |
Amphimallon solstitiale |
(June beetle,
European) |
Amphimallon falléni |
Hoplia farinosa |
Serica brunnea |
(Chafer, brown) |
Phyllopertha horticola |
garden |
fam. Cerambycidae |
(Longhorn beetles) |
Saperda populnea |
( Poplar borer, small) |
Saperda carcharias |
(Poplar longhorn, large) |
Tetropium castaneum |
fam. Chrysomelidae |
(Leaf Beetles) |
Lilioceris lilii |
liljebille.htm (Leaf
beetle, lily) |
Lilioceris merdigera |
Crioceris asparagi |
aspargesbille.htm (Asparagus
beetle) |
Adoxux obscurus |
Gastroidae polygoni |
Leptinotarsa decemlineata |
( Beetle, Colorado) |
Melasoma populi |
(Leaf beetle, red poplar) |
Agelastica alni |
Alder leaf
beetle |
Melasoma aenea |
( Leaf beetle, blue) |
Phyllodecta vulgatissimus |
(Leaf beetle, blue willow) |
Phyllodecta vitellinae |
(Beetle, willow) |
Phyllodecta viminalis |
Pyrrhalta viburni |
( Leaf beetle, cranberry tree) |
Lochmaea capreae |
( Leaf beetle, willow) |
Lochmaea suturalis |
(Beetle, heather) |
Lochmaea crataegi |
(Crataegus) |
Galeruca tanacetum |
(Leaf beetle, tansy) |
Galerucella tenella |
( Leaf beetle, strawberry) |
Galerucella nymphaeae |
(Leaf beetle, waterlily) |
Phyllotreta ssp. |
Flea-beetles |
U.fam. Cassidinae |
(Tortoise beetles) |
U.fam. Curculionidae |
(Weevils) |
Otiorhynchus spp. |
Otiorhynchus sulcatus |
black vine |
Otiorhynchus ligustici |
( Weevil, lovage) |
Otiorhynchus ovatus |
(Weevil, strawberry root) |
Phyllobius spp. |
Phyllobius argentatus |
Silver-green leaf
weevil |
Hylobius abietis |
(Weevil, large brown pine) |
Strophosomus spp. |
Sitona lineata |
Pea and bean weevil |
Cryptorhynchus lapathi |
(Poplar and willow borer) |
Stereonychus fraxini |
Curculio nucum |
Weevil, hazelnut |
Curculio venosus |
Anthonomus rubi |
blossom weevil |
Anthonomus pomorum |
blossom weevil |
Rhynchaenus fagi |
(Weevil, beech leaf-mining) |

Ceutorhynchus obstrictus |
( Cabbage seed
weevil) |
Ceutorhynchus quadridens |
(Weevil, cabbage stem) |
Ceutorhynchus contractus |
Apion fuscirostre |
Apion radiolus |
Rhynchites cupreus |
(Plum borer) |
Deporaus betulae |
Apoderus coryli |
Attelabus nitens |
fam. Scolytidae |
(Bark beetles) |
Scolytus laevis |
Scolytus scolytus |
Billed9.htm (Galleries
from Bark beetle, large elm) |
Scolytus multistriatus |
Billed9.htm (Bark
beetle, smaller European elm) |
Scolytus multistriatus |
( Bark beetle, smaller European elm) |
Leperisinus fraxini |
(Bark beetle, ash) |
Dendroctonus micans |
(Beetle, European spruce) |
Ips typographus |
(Engraver, eight-spined) |
Pityogenes chalcographus |
(Engraver, spruce wood) |
Polygraphus poligraphus |
Hylastes cinicularius |
Hylates brunneus |
(Bark beetle, black pine) |
Pityogenes bidentatus |
(Beetle, two-toothed pine) |
Tomicus piniperda |
(Beetle, pine shoot) |
Trypodendron domesticum |
Xyleborus dispar |
(Shothole, borer, larger) |
Tripodendron lineatum |